About us

The ProSafe project is a European Training Network initiative that brings together 6 top-level academic institutions and 4 relevant industrial partners to undertake research and training in the areas of machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and process systems engineering (PSE) with domain knowledge of process industry and process safety, to significantly improve safety and productivity in high hazard industries.

ProSafe aims to develop better methods and tools for process safety fit for the digital age that helps to avoid technological disasters thereby protecting the environment, health, and our economy. ProSafe doctoral network will address excellence in research and training of next-generation chemical and process engineers in process industry and process safety through:

  • Harmonize robust QRA methods and implementation strategies for effective and improved risk assessment and process safety (WP2)
  • Develop artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) (especially interpretable ML) models using domain knowledge for efficient, safe, and reliable process operations (WP3)
  • Develop synergistic integration of model-based with data-based methods for improved process safety operation and monitoring (WP4)
  • Identify roadmap and efficient implementation strategies for AI and ML for improved process operations and safety: demonstration and validation of ProSafe novel concepts and methods on industrial relevant case studies for safer operation (WP5)

ProSafe doctoral network aims at developing better methods and process safety fit for the digital age that helps to avoid technological disasters thereby protecting the environment, health, and our economy. Therefore, the project directly addresses the EU Seveso III directive and contributes to/supports the EU Green Energy Transition and Europe for the Digital Age policies.

Ultimately ProSafe contributes to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal 4. Quality education (4.3, 4.4)
  • Goal 7. Affordable and clean energy (7b)
  • Goal 9. Industry, innovation, and infrastructure (9.5)
  • Goal 12. Responsible consumption and production (12.4, 12.5, 12.7, 12.8)


Network coordinator

Website maintenance